Drug Counseling and Intervention

Until quite recently drug use was very rare among the Roma people. In the last 15 years, however, increased substance abuse has been devastating to Romani communities. Dealing with the double stigma of racially-fueled exclusion from local services and problematic drug use, we are among the most marginalized groups addressing this devastating epidemic.

Poverty and unemployment in Roma communities have made them an easy target for dealers. This situation is made worse by a lack of education, limited confi­dence in outside support services, families’ shame-based silence and self-policing, and lack of medical insurance.

Rroma Council has identified drug use and addiction as a core issue afflicting the community, and early intervention and preventative efforts as keys to success. With many users only seeking help when they’ve reached a very advanced stage, and addiction starting as 13 years old, we are committed to helping Romani communities have access to care service, treatment and harm reduction facilities - and the tools to heal from within.